Intellectual property services for high-technology companies


We offer all services related to preparing and managing a company's patent portfolio, including:

  • Preparing and prosecuting patent applications
  • Evaluating and advising on third party patents
  • Managing licensing programs
  • Acquiring technology
  • Selecting/managing outside counsel

For questions of litigation, patent infringement, and other issues involving the law, we work together with legal counsel.

Present and former clients include: Cisco Systems, Inc., Dolby Laboratories, Inc., ArrayComm, Inc., Avega Systems, Inc., Barco Graphics NV (Belgium), Esko-Graphics, NV (Belgium), Euresys, SA (Belgium), Eyecon Technology Inc., Gravitate, Inc., Hi/fn Inc., Imedia Inc. (now Terayon), (now ProductEngine, Inc.), Lake Technology (Australia), Luidia, Inc., MANIA Technologie AG (Germany), Mercado Software Inc., Radiata Communications (Australia), Spherical Technology (Australia), Think Software (Australia), Topixa Inc./Rawsugar, Vast Systems Technology, Inc., Wideforce Inc, Xerox Research, Zoran Corporation.

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